Maryland Eastern Shore Ministry Opportunity
I am so excited to be returning to Denton, Maryland to teach voice. I will be teaching Tuesday thru Thursday at the Denton Christian Learning Center. Here’s an article as to why I would personally recommend their center if you have a young child who needs daycare; ARTICLE.
I am impressed everytime I am here in Denton, Easton, and Ridgely, by how friendly the people are. When my son and I take our daily walk people are always so friendly to wave as they go by. And you seem to bump into people that you’ve seen in one place at another (Recently we saw a lady who worked in the AT&T store at the Amish Market having supper. We love eating at the Amish Market. Apparently a lot of other people do too.).
Many folks may wonder why I would go teach in an area where I will be charging 60% of what I make across the bridge (And I still have students wanting to study with me over there that I haven’t been able to schedule yet.)

The reason is simple. Teaching music, whether in church or in private one on one lessons for me is about ministry. On my journey to worship, as I have come to know my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, He leads me to places where I can nourish those who are eagerly awaiting help. While I enjoy sharing music everywhere, I especially like that I’ll be helping with a ministry that has as it’s primary goal to develop young people in the principals of God’s word. I believe these principals will make anyone’s life better. They make me a more valuable teacher, performer, and Father. When I searched google I didn’t find any voice teachers in Denton. I think God has sent me here because there is a need.
Would you please pray with me for this new ministry venture? I thank you in advance for your help.
P.S. I want to thank you for your continued support. If you would like to help us in this ministry of bringing worship that nourishes to a starving world, please consider partnering with us by clicking the donate button and blessing us with your financial support. Your support determines the amount of people we are able to reach and we are grateful that you even take the time to read what we are sharing. God bless you!