Isaiah 40:31 King James Version (KJV)
31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Today was a very emotional day for many students–many of my students. From time to time we have what we call “Circle Time” where we share what’s on our heart. As today many of the students had participated in the national school walk out I thought it might be a good time to have some relationship building conversation.
I heard very well thought out expressions–very passionate appeals. I don’t think people realize all that our young folk go through. One student who usually is disruptive in class was completely quiet. He expressed concern because he had heard that the young man who is the accused shooter for the Florida High School Massacre has a similar mental disability to his. His fellow classmates encouraged him and assured him he didn’t need to be concerned that one person’s mistake defined those who struggle with mental disabilities.
Many students focused on ending the mistreatment that often comes to students who are different in any way. They with tears spoke of being bullied and feeling helpless. Some spoke of struggling with depression and how others would say very insensitive things that would cause them to spiral towards the darkness. Others spoke of the pain of seeing some treat such a serious problem with so much indifference.
I wanted to know if this was their destination or if there was more to their journey. You see, I know that circle time is therapeutic. I know that many felt empowered by having a walk out. But is that the end? Is there something left to do?
Isaiah wrote the famous words quoted above that speak of the many stages of a journey. Sometimes you are flying high. Other times you are running with excitement. But then sometimes you just walk and hope not to faint. There are high points and there are low points. But those who wait on the Lord renew their strength and keep going.
I performed this song for a television show a few years back that simply says “Walk together children don’t you get weary. There’s a great camp meeting in the promised land.” This old spiritual encourages unity and perseverance. I dedicate it to this student movement and to my wonderful music students at Hammond Middle School. Please pray for them. Please pray that they continue to walk but not faint!