Day 16: Listen And Learn
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you.
John 14:26
I thought I needed to wait. I need to wait till I know more. Wait till I have more resources. Wait till I’ve completely healed. But while I was waiting others helped others with what they had. The work got done.
While there is a time to rest and a time to pause while we heal there is also a benefit to saying this prayer, “Lord, today make me a blessing to someone in need. Lead me to someone who needs what I have. Lead me to someone who I can encourage or pray with and for. Show me and tell me that I may help someone else and bring glory to You.”
Jesus promised to his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is able to communicate God’s thoughts to us.
Our devices clamor for our attention. Many seek to engage our mind for their selfish purposes. So we must be careful to make ourselves available to hear. Be still. Don’t watch TV or get on your phone or tablet at every break. Be available to hear. Then you will know when and where and how you are to be a blessing to someone else who like you needs healing.
Today, I will pause so I can hear from the Holy Spirit.