22 You were taught to put away your former way of life, your old self, corrupt and deluded by its lusts, 23 and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, 24 and to clothe yourselves with the new self, created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
Ephesians 4:22-24
Day 48: One Step
How many of you have heard the phrase “Whole Food Plant Based” before? When it comes to healthy eating a lot of people share the benefits of eating a whole food plant based diet. In fact there are many who claim to be able to reverse disease using this lifestyle. And if we are honest we all realize that eating processed foods that are high in sugar, salt, and fat as well as many animal products, can lead to destruction. So why don’t we change?
One of the advantages to the church experience when I was growing up was the Minister’s altar call or appeal. After he shared a lot of scripture and wisdom with you he would give you a call to action. Would you decide to follow Jesus? Would you stand up and come up front as a sign that you want God’s Holy Spirit to enter your heart and change your life? At that moment with the leverage of witnesses you had the opportunity to make a public commitment. But you have to take one step.
Over the next several weeks as we continue 100 Days Of Healing, I will provide you the opportunity to make a decision to take massive action so you will see change. At the same time I value the wisdom of building integrity. When we say we are going to do something and then we don’t, we stop trusting ourselves. I know I have. Then you don’t want to attempt anything because you don’t believe you can trust yourself to be committed to your decision.
I asked earlier the question why we don’t change. Knowledge is power but if not acted upon we will know clearly why we have disease and are dying early….but we will still die early and live a life beneath God’s design. We don’t change because forces to keep us in unhealthy habits are strong. We desire things that will kill us if not kept in check. If we ate a solid diet of junk food we might get sick of it but then again we might die first. Corporations market to our desires in hopes of steady profits. If a business gets a client that is addicted to their product they will make a lot of money. Many businesses are trying to get you and I to buy what we can’t afford and eat what enslaves us. So change becomes a challenge because many are working against our liberation and healing.
But we can make a decision right now. Learn one new thing about healthful living today and try one new healthy practice today and WRITE ABOUT IT!!! Make a post on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. I promise you that you will help your journey to wellness by making the decision to do this one practice right now. Will you join me in doing this? Let me know in the comments.
Today I begin one step at a time to a healthier way of living.