It’s difficult to remember all that I was feeling when I decided to start this blog. I came to some conclusions. Worship for many if not most has become a ritual. And when we have our ritual interrupted like for many the pandemic shut down has done it makes us ask new questions. Is worship only happening when I am in person together with others in the same space? Is God in the midst where two or three are gathered in His name virtually?
I started this blog because I wanted to have some dialogue about this journey we call worship. I wanted to start a conversation that perhaps many weren’t comfortable discussing openly. What is authentic worship? I really would like to hear your opinion. Here were my thoughts on this topic from one of my first posts. THOUGHTS
Today I have expanded to having morning worship everyday, sharing a song and a thought. It’s important for us to start the day off with our faith focused. I invite you to join me on this journey to worship. Share your insights and questions. Let’s grow together. And I trust that as we in this fashion gather in His name He will be in the midst, guiding us into all truth!