Today I want to tell you about Fiverr, an important tool to help you in your journey as a content creator. In previous posts I discussed that as a believer you are a content creator and it’s important to master the modern tools of communicating in order to spread the gospel as well as for success in other service industries. But most of us aren’t able to skillfully do everything necessary to create a personal brand online. Whether you are talking about your life or witnessing about the gospel we all are influencers. What we say impacts others. And most of the time we don’t think about how powerful our posts or forwards on social media are.
It’s time to start thinking about your personal brand. How do people perceive you? When someone meets you online what do they perceive as your values? You should be intentional in setting up an image and sharing content that resonates with your values. Let me say that again. You should share content that resonates with your values not just content that you think will go viral.
Making Attractive Content
But how do we make content that looks attractive? I have two suggestions. In this post I’ll talk about the first, Fiverr. Fiverr is an excellent place to find talented and affordable graphic artists who can come up with some amazing visual ideas for your personal brand. Recently I started preparing for the launch of a new broadcast and website. I wanted to come up with a logo and 3 designs that could be used for clothing and other products to help support this ministry. I searched Fiverr looking for designs that resonated with me. Then I asked my son to help me choose a few designers. We narrowed it down to 3.
One focused on word art only. Another made very colorful designs. The third made ethnic oriented art designs. Here are the results of our Fiverr projects.
Share content that resonates with your values not just content that you think will go viral.
David Griffiths

As you can see they did an amazing job. In our next post I will talk to you about another alternative method for creating attractive graphic content for your personal brand as you begin your content creation journey. Below is an affiliate link to Fiverr. If you use it any purchases you make will help support this ministry. See you next week! I can’t wait to tell you about this next tool.
Watch: I paid 3 designers to make the same logo on Fiverr