I remember who I use to be. When I was growing up I wasn’t concerned about money because I didn’t think it was spiritual. I was excited about telling the world about Jesus and writing and singing gospel songs as my way of giving glory to God with my life. But I discovered an interesting thing along the way. You need money to do record your gospel songs. You need money to take promo photos. You need money to hire a designer to design your CD cover. I need money to be able to do the ministry things that were dear to my heart. Have you ever noticed that even doing things for heaven requires resources? I use to not care about money. That’s who I use to be. but now I do!
I noticed that each week the preacher would make an appeal for an offering. He or she would describe all the wonderful work that was going to be done for the kingdom of heaven if we would only give enough money.
God had made an investment in each one of us. He sees what we can become and not who we use to be.
I thought we were just suppose to pray and God would provide what we needed. It was only with time that I started to realize that God had made an investment into each one of us. And God doesn’t do things without intention. He had a plan that we would use our gifts to give Him glory, help each other, and provide for our families. So making money from providing service is a good thing. And in the current economic environment we are reminded with food and gas prices rising quickly how important it is to have sufficient revenue.
Ironically, the subconscious message in our world today is that rich people are evil or you have to make a deal with the devil in order to make money. Is it not possible that the all powerful God of the universe is able to have his people succeed? And even though there may be trials and tribulations along the path is it not probable that He will do what His word says and reward the diligent service of His children?
I would like to recommend two tools that have transformed the way I look at my life, my finances and service to God. I promise that they are both life changing and will help you change from who you use to be to God’s intended best for your life. The book called FROM THE TRASH MAN TO THE CASH MAN is by Dr. Myron Golden. Only using biblical principles as his guide he was able to go from being a trash man making $6.25/hr to owning a company that makes over $100 Million last year.
The second tool is a conference I have just attended called the MAKE MORE OFFERS CHALLENGE. This is especially useful to coaches, business owners and anyone else seeking to provide for their family as an entrepreneur. The tools and techniques he shares have already transformed my business. He shows you how to sell focusing in on your customer’s needed result and not on the process. It’s LIFE CHANGING!!
Please let me know in the comments how these tools bless your life.
You are not who you use to be. People will try to see you only as you may have been. They may even frame you in their mind as someone you are not. But you should chose to see you as God sees you. And God does want you to be prosperous. They bible tells us that a man skilled in his work will serve before kings and not before obscure men. That mens strategic hard work will bring a profit. We are also encouraged to leave an inheritance for our children’t children.
So I am choosing to be a new person. The bible says that if any man be in Christ he is a new creature. But the problem is if you don’t know the identity of the new creature you will answer to the name and habits of the old. Learn who you are from God’s word…let’s forget who you use to be and learn who you really are!!!
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