On father’s day I wish I could send my dad a message. I wish my father could see the father he has made me. I wish he could see my son and daughter…he never had the chance to know them. He didn’t get to see me publish my first songbook. He did his doctorate waxing eloquent about the writings of Lord Byron…but I know he’d appreciate the songwriter I’ve become. I wish I could tell him how I sang for a congressman last month or received a standing ovation from a president a few years back. I wish he could see how I’m getting in shape and encouraging others to do the same. I know he’d be happy that I’m teaching middle school children about music like Uncle Charlie did. But I don’t get to sit down and tell him about my struggles and triumphs.
If I thought about it long it would make me very sad. But instead I seek to be a great man like he was. He was the first black dean of the graduate school at Loma Linda University. He travelled the word evaluating educational institutions, making sure they were doing the best they were capable of. He was on the board of Oakwood University. He made a difference wherever he was…in places all over the globe.
And so I seek to make a difference online…reaching people all over the globe. When asked by a friend I agreed to sing a gospel song every morning on Facebook to start the day off. It’s only been a few months and now thousands of people have tuned in to share a song and prayer. I will do it like my dad did what he did–to the best of his ability, and always to glorify our Heavenly Father. His work was his worship! He showed us how it should be done so we would show our children how it should be done.
Dad, I’m making the world a better place. I hope you are proud of me. I miss you.
Love David