On Day 3 of Our Journey To Worship Weight Loss Fitness Challenge let us consider the dangers of sugar. In all the reading I’ve done and in all the documentaries I’ve watched hoping to understand why I have such a hard time eating in a healthy way they have all agreed about the dangers of sugar. We all love deserts. When my mom wants to encourage me when I’m feeling down she will offer me something that invariably has lots of sugar in it. I’ve come to associate feeling better with having sugar. But research has shown that sugar is worse for us than we thought and hard to get away from.
The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar a day for women and 9 teaspoons for men. One 12oz soda can have 9 teaspoons of sugar. Can you imagine how scary the way we are living is? And from a spiritual perspective can you imagine how difficult it is for us to make good choices and discern spiritual truths when our bodies are so out of kilter because of our sugar addiction?
On “CBS This Morning” Dr. Mark Hyman shared a startling discovery of recent studies of sugar’s effect on animals. The study revealed that rats found sugar to be 8 times more addictive than cocaine! 8 times! So is it any wonder that even though I pray with great sincerity I still struggle to let go of sugar?
Dr. Nicole Avena, author of “Why Diets Fail” and other books about the neuroscience of human food consumption shared some interesting facts. A recent study revealed which are some of the most and least addictive foods. The study points out that in nature an abundance of fat and an abundance of sugar rarely naturally occur. But this is the potent combination in the most addictive foods we face. The top 10 on the list are: Pizza, Chocolate, Chips, Cookies, Ice Cream, French Fries, Cheeseburgers, Soda, Cake, and Cheese.
I want to break free don’t you?
I’d like you to take 2 actions in our journey. For the next 10 days I’d like you to go on a sugar fast (I’m already on day 2 and feeling a whole lot better. I can actually get full–usually I feel hungry most of the time.) Please sign up for this 10 day sugar fast at this link:
The second thing I’d like you to do is to watch this amazing documentary which inspired the challenge entitled Fed Up. Below is the trailer. It’s free if you have Netflix. Otherwise the previous link gives other options for viewing. Please take the time. It’s worth it! You’ll learn about the dangers of sugar and a whole lot more.
Then after you watch it please leave comments below about things you learned that you didn’t know before that you think will help us in our battle for a healthier lifestyle.
Do it now! Don’t wait until a more convenient time or until you feel like it. I believe that God will bless your step of faith. As mentioned in the video yesterday the 4 lepers wouldn’t have found out that God had already defeated the enemy that surrounded their city if they didn’t have the courage to take action.
Please take action and I’ll see you at the next post where we will talk about important discoveries about our mind that will help us on our journey to better health and worship that nourishes.

Excellent post, David! Thank you for sharing and bringing to light the importance of improving one’s health through good nutrition and the dangers of simple sugars!
This website, http://www.drmercola.com, contains lots of great information on improving health. Check out this article on sugar: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/01/02/highfructose-corn-syrup-alters-human-metabolism.aspx.
God bless!
Thank you, Jane! I enjoyed the article you shared. I will reread it to make sure I understand the sources of glucose vs. fructose and avoid the negative effects of too much fructose.