I’ve been struggling with the concept of forgiveness recently. I have prided myself on my Christian values and virtues. I have pursued perhaps to the extreme the concepts of grace and love. Freely I have received love from God so freely I should give love and forgiveness to others. But what is they don’t deserve it!
Well one could examine themselves and realize that we don’t deserve the love or the forgiveness of God. So how can we use that metric as a reason not to love or forgive someone else? But then what if the person not only doesn’t deserve it but they aren’t even apologizing? This one really sits awkwardly within my soul. I recently have been dealing with this situation. Does God really expect me to forgive someone not only who doesn’t deserve it and hasn’t asked to be forgiven?
Well I thought I’d share a song and a video about forgiveness and see if it inspires you in any direction and I’d love to hear your thoughts about where forgiveness fits in on your journey to worship. Please write your thoughts in the comment section below.
Here’s the song:
And here’s the story:
Love you and don’t give up your journey to worship and wellness!

SO incredibly proud of you! And I KNOW God is pleased. That Word was blessed, timely and I’m sure needed by many. Many times in ministering to others, we minister to ourselves. I will view song later.
God continue to bless and anoint and grow you as only He can.
Forgiving is for us, not to change someone else, so that we can move on and receive what God has planned for us.
Ooooo. Thank you. I hadn’t looked at it that way.
I am struggling with the same thing now. I know that God freely forgives and has forgiven me time and time again. It is an awful feeling when the person fails to humble him/herself, acknowledge the pain caused, and apologize. Moreover, it is more painful when s/he fails to apologize and/or change the behavior that caused the pain. For me, it can be hard to let it go and forgive. The key (and process) is separating God’s requirements to forgive from the belief that it releases the person from his/her action and accountability. It is recognizing that forgiveness needs to happen so God can work with us and heal us. It is understanding that we relinquish the need to self-vindicate…and that’s hard. No one wants to be an intentional victim of hurt but God didn’t promise us that it would not happen. He did promise that he would not give us more than we can bear and would be with us through it all. Forgiveness gives us His strength to bear it and grow in Him through it.
Thank you and Amen.
Knowing someone else can relate helps me not feel so isolated in my pain.