Loose Weight With Water


Could something as simple as water be the solution to your weight loss? While I have tried many approaches to getting in better shape I’ve found that walking and water seem to be an important component for me each time I’m successful. Here are some ideas that I’ve found helpful.

1. Drink water with lemon juice to start the day.

The combination causes you to eliminate and feel fresh and clean 🙂 .  A few years ago I participated in a documentary that explored the effects of The Corrective Diet.  I lost 32lbs in one month.  One of the important parts of that program was keeping hydrated and making sure to start the day out with some lemon water.

2.  Drink enough water to reveal the difference between hunger and thirst.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is:

  • About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men
  • About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women

While traditionally we’ve been told to have eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily some suggest having more.  I’ve found that at times I’ve thought I was hungry but when I drink water regularly, usually at least once a half hour that I don’t get hungry like I usually would.  So making sure you are hydrated before you eat will reduce how much you feel you need to eat because you may be confusing thirst and hunger.

3. Drink till your urine is clear.

One simple way to check that you are having enough water is to check the color of your pee.  If it’s clear or very light yellow then you are probably doing very well with your water intake.

While drinking enough water does many other things like give you energy and increase your metabolism I wanted to end with this thought.  Your body takes toxins that would harm you and it stores them as fat.  So when you want to loose weight you will have to safely get rid of all those toxins.  Drinking lots of water allows you to remove those toxins safely.

So please remember water and weight loss go together.  And I hope you combine them with walking!

I wish you success on your journey to health, happiness and wholeness.  Please feel free to share what’s working for you on your journey to wellness in the comments.  Also, please subscribe to this blog for more tips on better living.  And a special thank you for those who support this ministry.  Are you thirsty?  Try a glass of water!


Lessons Learned From My Sugar Fast

Lessons Learned From My Sugar Fast
Lessons Learned

What are the lessons learned from my sugar fast?

1. Even after only one day you can begin to feel completely different about life based upon removing one element.

Please allow me to explain.  As I went through the day I would come across moments of discomfort.  Things didn’t get accomplished that should have.  People lied to me who I thought I could trust.  My kids wanted my attention when I had a ton of stuff to accomplish.  I had more bills than money.  Etc…(Can anybody else relate?  If so please leave some of your stress triggers in comment section below).

When I usually would have grabbed a shake or stopped by Baskin Robbins or Drank a sugary drink or had some pie or cake, I instead had to make another choice about how to feel better in my moment of discomfort.  I choose to work on this blog.  Other times I choose to vocalize.  Sometimes I choose to exercise.  By making the commitment even for a short period of time to change my coping strategy I learned that my life would be better off without the addiction.

2. I’m missing a lot of flavor

When I have tasted food that I use to eat it suddenly now comes alive with amounts of flavor I never new existed before.  And even though I know given the opportunity I will binge on sugar again I have hope to live more moderately.  If you didn’t get a chance to please read my post Fight The Dangers of Sugar With 10 Day Fast about some of sugar’s negative effects and how a 10 day sugar fast can help.

3. Life should be focused more on what you can give than on what you can get

When I live my life focused on where I can get my next incredible treat I loose motivation to create greater service in my business or ministry.  During this challenge highlights to me were when a former piano student of mine said that he would try to learn to play one of the worship songs I posted and sing it to encourage himself in his journey.  I was thrilled when a young lady I went to college with eagerly commented that she wanted to know what to do next in our Journey To Worship Weight Loss Fitness Challenge.  I was excited when one of my choir members talked about how excited she was with what she was learning on the blog and how she had subscribed and was encouraging several of her co-workers to do the same (You can subscribe on your left side).

I want to change someone’s life because of what I’ve said or done.  I think that’s worship.  Someone said that imitation is the greatest form of flattery.  So when I imitate Christ by living to serve others I am saying that He is worth it…so much so that I’m patterning my whole life to be like his.

Phillipians 2:5 says “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”  For the next 21 days I would like to invite you on a Journey To Change Your Mind.

Look for my first post on the 21day journey tomorrow.  In the meantime take a moment if you didn’t get a chance to before to read about Dr. Caroline Leaf and what she has to say about mind conditioning in my post “I Don’t Feel Like It.”

See you tomorrow! 🙂
