For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Day 11: Jesus Heals
As I share during these 100 days of healing I want to be authentic. I live my life depending on help from on high. My parents taught me about the bible when I was a child. Growing up I learned about a God who loves me. I learned that I could bring my problems to him. As I got older I saw my parents pray. Every morning they had worship. When there were major concerns they would pray about them. It gave them a peace and confidence.
I was so impressed with what I saw I wanted to have that experience for myself. As I went into the teenage years I really began searching for answers. I prayed and studied the bible. I started having experiences like my parents.
I wanted to do my own thing and the ideals of my parents seemed restrictive. This collided with my desire to know more about God and follow Him. And then my choices would leave me needing rescue and time and time again I would pray and see things work out.
I’ve also seen people use Jesus however they want to. I’ve seen popular celebrities claim Jesus and then promote lifestyles that don’t align with what He taught. I’ve seen religious leaders use religion to control others.
So I want to invite you to read the bible for yourself and pray and ask God to reveal himself to you. And if you are comfortable doing so please share stories of how you come to know Jesus in the comments.
Today, I come to Jesus for healing, love, and power.
Please subscribe and join us on this journey of healing! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Roughly 4 months ago an app was released called Periscope. It enables you to broadcast from your cellphone or tablet live to the world.
Have you ever wanted to witness but you just couldn’t seem to learn the appropriate cool phrase to lead the conversation in the right direction? Are you like me shy by nature? Than let’s Peri”scope” our witness.
I want each person reading this to promise me that you will try out this app and that you will record your testimony regarding why you love Jesus and his Father so much.
There are many tutorial videos posted on Youtube that show you how to broadcast with the app (Click here to watch one).
If you get stuck please let me know in the comments and subscribe so I have your email and can walk you through the process.
I’m going to share a scope with you now. But before I do please envision this with me. Imagine that as you open the app to look at the different broadcasts available that the majority of them say “Scope for Jesus.” And that as you click each one someone else is scoping about why they love Jesus. How totally awesome would that be! Let’s do it and give God greater glory. If you want Better Worship, Worship That Nourishes, than open your heart to all the ways God has provided for you to reach out to heal the world in His name and by His power. Remember, your voice matters! Now Periscope for Jesus!