I want to take a moment and say thank you for trusting me enough to follow this blog. I have been passionate about music and ministry and understanding how to have better worship. I’ve tried to share my discoveries along the way. Sometimes I’ve gotten discouraged and you haven’t heard from me as much. But I have continued to seek to know my Heavenly Father more and he has blessed my efforts to grow as a writer and content creator.
We’ve have seen substantial growth on many of my social media pages. I have over 1000 followers on TikTok @davidgriffiths07, and have more than 1300 followers on our Journey To Worship Facebook Page and we just reached 1400 today on Instagram @DGWorship. I have almost maxed out my friendship limit of 5000 friends on my personal Facebook profile as well. Hallelujah!!
With much opportunity comes greater responsibility so I pledge to work harder to give you value. To this end I am going to begin a series of posts about content creating in hopes that you will be inspired to share your journey to worship with those in your sphere of influence. Look for the first post coming this weekend.
I love you but God loves you more and I look forward to seeing you soon (hopefully on the next Morning Worship occuring daily on Youtube at David Griffiths Music and on our Journey To Worship Facebook page.