Day 7: The Lighter Load
Matthew 11:28-30
When Jesus offers all who are heavy laden to come to Him for rest he speaks to a universal need. But what does He mean when he says we should take up his yoke and find rest for our souls?
A yoke is a device that allows two animals to work efficiently together. If we are yoked together with Christ we confine our journeys to paths that he would take. We emulate his response to the challenges of life as we are influenced by the aroma of His character.
We receive the gift of His righteousness so we don’t have the stress of seeking to create a rightness with God worthy of salvation. We seek to do what pleases Him and he promises to supply all our needs.
Releasing the burden to measure up to societies trends and instead taking Jesus’ two step method of loving God with all our heart and our neighbor as our self will relieve stress and produce peace instead.
Today, I release the heavy burden and choose a lighter load!