Day 28: Work Together
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. I Corinthians 12:27
I was watching a podcast by Dr. Eric Thomas who is the number one motivational speaker in the world currently.(Here’s one of his videos) He spoke about the importance of working with a team. He acknowledged that there are things he is really good at and other things that are not his strengths. So he works together with a team to accomplish goals.
In the bible we are introduced to the concept of the body of Christ. If we think of what a hand does and what an eye does we realize quickly that they cannot easily replace one another. If we would become healthy it’s important to stop trying to be something or someone you are not. And we must open ourselves to receive the help that we need from others who are skilled in ways that we are not.
I am encouraged by seeing that often when I look for opportunities to share what I’m gifted at with others the gifts I need make themselves available to me–if I pay attention.
Today I will work together with others to heal and to reach our goals.
I hope you have enjoyed the first four weeks of our 100 days of healing. Please subscribe so you don’t miss a post and don’t forget to share it with anyone you feel would benefit. I love you and believe in your greatness!